Your opinion matters!
As a guest, you’re our best advisor. That’s why your opinion is so important to us. Thank you for taking just a couple of minutes to fill in this questionnaire.
Many thanks and kindest regards,
Your Wolfgang Rosenberger,
host and founder of Landzeit
with his passionate Landzeit team
Assess our philosophy
The Landzeit Philosophy
Health. Landzeit keeps you fit.
Variety. Landzeit surprises time and again
with new delicacies.
Speediness. Landzeit provides a peaceful
and enjoyable break.
Friendliness. Landzeit brings Austrian
hospitality to life.
Our vision. When travelling on the
motorway, you only want to stop off
at Landzeit.
Landzeit is your host,
your family restaurant –
fresh, quick and simply excellent.
Freshness à la Austria